Bank Cheque Deposit
Make everyday banking more convenient.
To do this, you’ll need to bring a paying-in slip.
The Galestreet Post Office clerk will give you an Bank cheque deposit envelope, with check boxes to write your account number and sort code. You’ll get a zero value receipt.
Do not enclose cash (notes or coins), foreign currency cheque in the cheque deposit envelope. Name on the account should match account holders name.
The following Cheque Deposit Services are now available from Gale Street Post Office:

Please do not enclose cash or foerign cheques
Please check you have:
- Enclosed your completed AIB (NI) pre-printed lodgement slip detailing the amount to be credited.
- Enclosed the correct number of Sterling cheques only, made payable to the name(s) shown on the pre-printed lodgement slip.
- Retained details of cheques enclosed for your own records.
- Sealed the envelope before handling in at a Galestreet Post Office branch.
AIB(NI) will check the contents of this envelope on receipt and verify the amount before crediting the account detailed overleaf.

Please check you have
- Do not enclose cash.
- Complete and enclose your paying-in slip.
- All cheques must be payable to the name(s) shown on the paying-in slip. Sterling cheques only will be accepted.
- Keep a record of all cheques paid in (amount, drawer, sort code, account number and cheque number)

Cheque Deposit Envelope:
- Please do not include cash or bill payments in the envelope.
- This envelope can only be used to pay in cheques made payable to you in pounds sterling.
- Please write your Sort Code and Account Number on the front of your cheque in the top right hand corner, as well as on this envelope.
- Please remember that cheques paid in at the Galestreet Post Office branch will take one extra working day to clear (or two extra working days if you pay it in after the Galestreet Post Office’s cut-off time).
- Please remember to keep a record of cheques paid in.
- Have you remembered to enclose your personalised deposit slip?

Please do not enclose cash
Please allow two bank working days for cheque deposits paid in through a Post Office branch to reach your bank account. The normal cheque cleaning cycle will only start when your account has been credited.
Barclays Bank use only.

Please Check that you have enclosed:
- Your paying-in slip, provided in your cahoot chequebook or paying-in book.
- cheque(s) for your cahoot current accountable payable to the name(s) shown on the paying-in slip.
- Use this envelope to deposit cheques to your cahoot current account only.
Remember, please do not enclose cash.

Important Reminder
- Have you enclosed your pre-printed personalised deposit slip?
- Please do not include cash non-sterling cheques or bill payments.
- Only deposits of sterling cheques payable to the name on the deposit slip can be accepted.
- We recommend you record details of cheques paid in (amount, sort code, account number, cheque number and name of person who has given the cheque) or alternatively retain photocopies of the cheques.

Check list
- Have you remembered to enclose your coutts pre-printed credit slip?
- Please do not include cash, foreign cheques or bill payments.
- All cheques must be payable to the name(s) shown on the credit slip.
- Keep a record of the cheque(s) and amount details for your own records.
- Seal envelope, hand to Post Office cashier and obtain a receipt.

Cheque deposit envelope
- Please don’t include cash or bill payments in this envelope. And remember, it is for use at a Post Office branch only.
- This envelope can only be used to pay in cheques made payable to you in pounds sterling.
- Please write your sort code and account number on the front of your cheque in the top right hand corner, as well as on this envelope.
- Please remember that cheques paid in at a Post Office branch will take 1 additional day to clear.
- Have you remembered to enclose your personalised deposit slip?
(Please contact your branch to obtain a book of these if not already held.)
Remember: when making PO deposits please keep the receipt for your records.

If you pay cheques into this Post Office branch before the relevant cut off time (Please ask Post Office staff for details of this), we will receive them the next working day. If you have missed the cut off time it will take two working days before your cheque(s) reach us.
Your cheque(s) will follow the normal cheque clearance cycle after they are received by us.

Check list
- Have you remembered to enclose your NatWest pre-printed credit slip?
- Please do not include cash, foreign cheques or bill payments.
- All cheques must be payble to the name(s) shown on the credit slip.
- Keep a record of the cheque(s) and amount details for your own records.
- Seal envelope, hand to Post Office cashier and obtain a receipt.

Check list
- Have you rememberd to enclose your RBS pre-printed credit slip?
- Please do not include cash, foreign cheques or bill payments.
- All cheques must be payable to the name(s) shown on the credit slip.
- Keep a record of the cheques(s) and amount details for your own records.
- Seal envelope, hand to Post Office cashier and obtain a receipt.

Check list
- Fill in and enclose your personal Co-operative Bank Giro Credit(s) slip which can be found in the back of your cheque book/paying in book.
- All cheques must be payable to the name(s) shown on the Bank Giro Credit.
- Keep full cheque account and amount details for your own records together with the Post Office receipt.
- Please allow up to two business days following deposit(s) for the credit(s) to appear in your account.
- Please do not enclose cash, foreign cheques or co-operative Bank visa credit card payments.

Check list
- Enclose your cheque payable to the account holder and seal the envelope (You do not need to include a deposite slip.)
- Keep cheque details for your own records.
- Do not enclose cash or foreign cheques.
Please allow up to three bank working days for cheque deposits paid in through a Post Office branch to reach your account. The normal cheque cleaning cycle will only start when your account has been credited. Each Post Office has unique cut off times. Check with your local Post Office cashier

Cheque deposit envelope
Do not enclose cash or bill payments
- Have you remembered to enclose your personalised deposit slips. (please contact your branch to obtain a book of these if not already held.)
- Only cheques in sterling, payable to you can be accepted
- If you deposit is handed to the Post Office before their daily cut-off time, funds will normally appear in your account within three working days
- Please write your sort code and account number on the top right hand corner of the Front of the cheque and keep a record of the cheques paid in (amount, drawer, sort code, cheque number and account number)

Please check:
- You’ve enclosed your Ulster Bank pre-printed credit slip.
- All cheques are payable to the name(s) shown on the credit slip only.
- You haven’t included cash, foreign cheques or bill payments.
- You’ve kept a record of the cheque(s) and amount details elsewhere for future reference.
- You’ve sealed the envelope. once you are happy you’ve completed these steps –
- Hand to the Post Office Cashier and be sure to ask for a receipt.
- You can expect the money to be added to your account:
A. Within two business days from when you pay the cheque in if you pay in before the Post Office cut off time.
B. Within three business days – if you miss the Post Office cut off time.

Check list
- Have you remembered to enclose your Adam & Company pre-printed credit slip?
- Please do not include cash, foreign cheques or bill payments.
- All cheques must be payable to the name(s) shown on the credit slip.
- Keep a rcord of the cheque(s) and amount details for your own records.
- Seal envelope, hand to Post Office cashier and obtain a receipt.

Cheque deposit envelope
- Have you remembered to enclose your personalised deposit slip?(Please contact your branch to obtain a book of these if not already held).
- Only deposits of sterling cheques payable to you can be accepted.
- Please write your sort code and account number on the top right hand corner of the front of the cheque and keep a record of cheques paid in.(amount, drawer, sort code, cheque number and account number).
- Do not enclose credit with the sort code 30-00-00. These should be paid into a Lloyds Bank branch, or follow the payment instructions on the back of the credit.
- Please remember that cheques paid in at the Post Office branch will take one extra working day to clear (or two extra working days if you pay it in after the Post Office’s cut-off time).
- Charges may apply for business customers.
REMEMBER: when making PO deposits please keep the receipt for your records.

Please check that you have enclosed:
- A paying-in slip
- Cheques made payable to the name shown on the paying-in slip
Remember, Please do not post or enclose cash

Important Reminder
- Have you enclosed your pre-printed personalised deposit slip?
- Please do not include cash non-sterling cheques or bill payments.
- Only deposits of sterling cheques payable to the name on the deposit slip can be accepted.
- We recommend you record details of cheques paid in (amount, sort code, account number, cheque number and name of person who has given the cheque) or alternatively retain photocopies of the cheques.