Royal Mail is updating its collections database, which will affect scheduled collections for Branches, Business Customers, and Post Boxes. The transition will take place over several weeks to ensure this process goes smoothly.

During this period, a change freeze will be in effect from 26 August 2024 to 25 October 2024. This means no changes can be made to any collections during this time. Our blog post updates will confirm when the freeze is in place.

This update should be seamless and have no impact on your scheduled collections. The changes involve moving collection data to a new system. If a collection fails, please report it as usual by contacting Royal Mail at 03457 950950 and escalate ongoing issues through the Branch Support Centre at 0333 345 5567.

If you plan to change your opening hours between 26 August 2024 and 25 October 2024, and it might affect your final collection time, Royal Mail won’t be able to accommodate any changes during this period. Requests to change hours that don’t impact collections will proceed as usual.