Withdraw a little cash,
do a little good
do a little good
This winter, we’re partnering with the Trussell Trust to give 1p from every over-the-counter cash withdrawal to help fight hunger and poverty in the UK.
Make this winter better for all
More than 14 million people in the UK live in poverty, including 4.5 million children. For many of these people, the cost of living is unaffordable; from buying food to paying bills and avoiding debt. Energy price rises, supply chain failures, job insecurity and the pandemic are all factors affecting millions of people. An unexpected illness or job loss can turn a bad situation into a crisis. This winter, we are doing what we can to help improve this situation with the Trussell Trust.
Food banks in the Trussell Trust network provide nutritionally balanced emergency food parcels through over 1300 food bank centres nationwide to individuals and families who can’t afford basic provisions. They offer advice and assistance on navigating the benefits system to maximise people’s income and access other support agencies. In short, the Trussell Trust is a lifeline to millions. And you can help. By withdrawing cash at a Post Office counter, you too can help fight poverty and hunger.
What we can do with your help
We’re giving 1p from every over-the-counter cash withdrawal to the Trussell Trust, and we’d love you to help. All you need to do is make your cash withdrawal over the counter in any of our 11,500 branches rather than using a cashpoint.
We want to raise a minimum of £250,000 for the Trussell Trust. It won’t cost you a penny; just a trip to your Post Office. This amount of money can help the Trussell Trust:
– Provide support to their regional centres across the UK
– Provide training to their base of 30,000 volunteers
– Deliver new financial advice services to thousands of households, helping to increase
their income and preventing them needing to turn to a food bank again.
If you’d like to help further, please share this message with friends and family.

You can withdraw money in-branch
We’ve partnered with virtually all major banks to provide everyday banking services in all of our branches. So wherever you are, you can help. Just find your nearest branch and pick up some cash – whether that’s to get a round in at the first work Christmas do in nearly two years or to help with your Christmas shopping.
Other ways you can help
Other ways you can help
If you’d like to do more to help support the important work of the Trussell Trust, there’s a lot you can do. You can make a donation, and you can get involved by fundraising, volunteering, supporting a campaign, and donating food to your closest food bank.